Our Team
Our team is one of our strongest assets in advancing our work and making a difference for Wisconsin’s youngest children.
Connect with a staff member below or Contact SFTA
Dr. Heidi Luft
Executive Director
Penny Chase
Early Childhood Initiatives Manager
Connie Dunlap
Family Support Manager
Our Team
Dr. Heidi Luft
Penny Chase
Connie Dunlap, IMH-E®
Amanda Austin, IMH-E®
Our Board
We strive to ensure our Board of Directors represents a variety of skills and areas of expertise that contribute to sustaining a strong organization and creating meaningful improvements to Wisconsin’s early care and education systems. Our Board always includes a representative elected by our member CCR&Rs and FRCs to ensure our organization stays true to its original purpose.
Marita Herkert-Oakland, President
JoAnn Grode
Become an SFTA Board Member
SFTA is currently recruiting new members to its board of directors. The board of directors is entrusted with the authority to establish policy for the governance of Supporting Families Together Association. Its members are trustees who act on behalf of SFTA and have the principle responsibility for setting and fulfilling the mission.
View Board Member qualifications and responsibilities
To apply, complete the Board Member Interest Survey and send to info@supportingfamiliestogether.org